CAD/CAM Prothesis

About CAD/CAM Prothesis

The center provides CADCAM technology and services in the field of installing crowns and bridges (EMAX and zircon), as well as cosmetic dental services in just one visit by taking measurements and computerized oral imaging without the need for traditional methods

CAD/CAM prostheses represent the latest in dental technology, offering precision-crafted crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays. Using advanced computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), the dentist creates a digital impression of your teeth, ensuring a perfect fit and natural appearance.

The process is streamlined, often allowing prostheses to be designed, fabricated, and placed in a single visit. These restorations are made from high-quality materials like zirconia or porcelain, ensuring durability and aesthetics.

Process Duration: 1-2 hours for same-day prostheses; complex cases may require additional visits.

CAD/CAM technology ensures accurate, efficient, and long-lasting dental restorations tailored to your needs.