Benefits of laser in dentistry

What are the four benefits of laser in dentistry? This is a question that many may ask, given the entry of laser technology into many scientific fields. Indeed, laser has contributed to facilitating many dental procedures, which we will discuss in this article.

Benefits of laser in dentistry?



There are indeed great benefits that lasers have contributed to dentistry, which makes us strive to use them at Smile Art Center. Below we mention the most important of these benefits.

Diagnosis and removal of caries

For diagnosis:

Lasers can actually detect some types of cavities or decay, especially if they are not obvious enough.


For caries removal:

It has become possible to remove caries without the need to operate devices with annoying noises. The laser has made this easier by its ability to dissolve the caries and remove it from the tooth without disturbing the patient.

Teeth whitening and sensitivity treatment



For teeth whitening:

Teeth whitening is known to be done using a gel that is applied to the surface of the teeth.

It has been found that using a dental laser device with specific specifications in this procedure contributes to strengthening the effect of this gel and accelerating its work, thus reducing the time required for whitening.


For the treatment of tooth sensitivity:

The layer responsible for the feeling of tooth sensitivity is the second layer of the layers, which is called dentin.

What makes this layer contribute to the feeling of sensitivity is that it consists of a group of very thin tubes, which when open cause sensitivity.

One of the benefits of lasers in dentistry is that they reduce sensitivity by closing these tubes very efficiently without any discomfort.

Treating gum problems

There are actually many gum problems that laser can treat very effectively, such as the following:

  • When we mention the gummy smile, in which the gums appear longer than normal during the smile, we find that the laser effectively helps us in cutting the excess parts of them without bleeding or pain.
  • In cases of dark gums, it is no longer a surgical procedure as it used to be; rather, the laser has made this procedure very easy with no bleeding or pain, and with very little recovery time.
  • For gum disease, lasers have a very high ability to remove germs.

removing or cutting tissue



For tissue removal:

Lasers have proven to be highly safe and effective in removing tissues and tumor masses from many areas of the mouth, including benign tumors in the roof of the mouth, various areas of the gums, cheek, and others.

For tissue cutting:

Lasers are already being used to cut skin folds that can cause problems with speech or swallowing, the most famous of which is the lingual frenum, which is a piece of skin that connects the bottom of the tongue on one side and the floor of the mouth on the other.

Advantages of laser in dentistry



There are indeed many qualities that distinguish lasers and make us at Smile Art Center prefer them in many uses. These advantages include all of the following:

  • Less hassle:Because the laser eliminates the need to use other tools with sounds that may be annoying to the patient.
  • Less need for anesthesia:Lasers can actually perform many functions without anesthesia.
  • Healing speed:One of the most important advantages of using laser instead of traditional surgery is that the recovery period is very short.
  • Reduce bleeding:The laser facilitates the implementation of many surgical procedures without bleeding, such as: cutting or whitening the gums.

It is worth noting that all of the above is part of the benefits and advantages of laser beams. These beams have many other benefits, and work is currently underway to discover new benefits for them.

It is also worth noting that there are many types of lasers used in dentistry, and each type has its own advantages, characteristics, and uses; one type cannot be used to perform all procedures.


Here we have finished explaining the most important benefits that can be gained from using laser beams in dentistry, which makes us prefer it a lot at Smile Art Center. We also mentioned the most important advantages of these beams.