Best Dental Clinic in Heliopolis

Many people try to find the best dental clinic in Heliopolis because they suffer from tooth sensitivity despite their interest in oral hygiene. In this article, we will talk about this matter in some detail.

Causes of tooth sensitivity

It is known that the inner layer of the teeth, which covers the nerve, is the dentin layer, which is responsible for the feeling of tooth sensitivity when it is exposed for any reason.

There are various factors that may contribute to the erosion of the outer layers and the exposure of the dentin layer, and thus the feeling of tooth sensitivity. Some of these factors may not be known to you in light of your strong interest in oral and dental hygiene. Below we mention the most important of these factors.

Excessive force while brushing

Many people believe that using force while brushing will increase its effectiveness, which means getting bright white teeth in a shorter period of time. This is a completely false belief among the misconceptions about dentistry.

If you repeatedly use a soft brush, or use a suitable brush with high brushing force, it is very easy to erode the enamel layer, which is the outer layer of the teeth that protects everything underneath.

Improper or violent use of the toothbrush can also lead to gum recession, a problem that occurs when the gums are forced to move away from the crown.

The problem of receding gums leads to the exposure of parts of the tooth roots that are not ready to be exposed, and the outer layer of the roots is thin; therefore, it is easy to erode; and thus, the feeling of tooth sensitivity is quick.

Teeth whitening

Although whitening is considered one of the best procedures in dentistry, it may sometimes lead to sensitivity in the teeth; however, this sensitivity often disappears within a very short period, especially with full adherence to the instructions that we provide to you through the Smile Art Center.

Excessive use of mouthwash

Although mouthwash has many benefits and is often prescribed in many cases in the field of dentistry, its use is only permitted in certain cases.

When this mouthwash is used excessively, it can harm the teeth in many ways, including the appearance of tooth sensitivity.

This is all because mouthwash contains many chemical ingredients that, when in excess, can lead to adverse results.

Acidic foods

In addition to taking care of your oral hygiene constantly, you should also try to avoid any acidic foods; as the acids in these foods can cause the enamel layer to erode at a rapid rate, including: tomatoes and pickles.

teeth grinding

It is a condition in which a person clenches his teeth tightly. It is natural that if the teeth touch each other a lot and repeatedly, the enamel layer begins to erode, and then a feeling of sensitivity to many foods and drinks.

Causes of tooth sensitivity after filling

Some people ask: Who is the best dentist in Egypt?Because they want to have high-quality fillings; however, this does not negate the possibility of feeling some sensitivity in the teeth after filling them, which may happen for reasons including the following:

  • Inflammation of the tooth nerve, especially if the decay that was removed was deep.
  • Nerve inflammation can also occur if the tooth has had more than one filling done before.
  • In the event of nerve inflammation as a result of the caries removal process, especially if this removal process took a long time, which is what we take into consideration when doing fillings at Smile Art Center as a major dental center in Heliopolis.

Smile Art is the best dental clinic in Heliopolis

Our center has many advantages that make it among the best in Heliopolis, such as:

  • We have a fully integrated medical staff with specialists in various dental specialties, such as: cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, dental implants, removable and fixed dentures, and more.
  • Our medical staff is highly qualified, skilled and experienced.
  • Our center has extensive experience in providing medical services for more than ten years.
  • The center has a separate room specially designed for sterilization, with the aim of providing the greatest degree of safety and protection for patients, doctors and nursing staff.
  • Our center is equipped with many modern and advanced capabilities that enable us to provide the finest medical service with the highest possible accuracy, the most important of which is the CAD CAM device for fixed prosthetics.
  • We do not neglect prices at the center; we try to provide prices that are suitable for most categories while maintaining the quality of the medical service provided.

Here we have finished talking about the problem of sensitivity that makes many people search for the best dental clinic in Heliopolis because they do not know the cause of it. We mentioned the most important causes of this problem in general, then we talked about the reasons for its appearance after filling, in addition to what distinguishes Smile Art Center from others.