The best types of braces

Orthodontics is one of the best and most effective procedures in dentistry, due to its powerful uses and great benefits. What are its most important uses? And what are the most popular types available at Smile Art Center? We will discuss all of that in this article.

Uses of orthodontics

There are many uses and benefits that can be gained from orthodontics for adults, and they include all of the following:

  • Contributing to moving teeth effectively to put them in their natural places and improving their relationship with each other; which means improving the appearance of the smile and eliminating problems during chewing, all of this gradually to avoid damage to the teeth.
  • Helping to make the bite between the teeth of the jaws in its natural state, which increases the effectiveness of these teeth in chewing food.
  • It also helps restore protruding front teeth to their natural back position, which contributes to improving the patient’s smile and psychological state.
  • The ability to widen a narrow jaw, to make the teeth more consistent with each other in terms of appearance and function.

Types of orthodontics

There are more than one type of braces, and each type has its advantages and disadvantages. The most appropriate type for each case is determined after examination and evaluation. At Smile Art Center, we have enough experience, competencies and capabilities to determine what is appropriate for each case individually. Below we mention the most important of these types.

Metal calendar

It is the oldest and most famous type, and its color is metallic and does not match the color of natural teeth.

This type is characterized by its high efficiency, effectiveness, and speed of treatment. It is also one of the simplest types in terms of cost. So if you are asking: What is the best type of braces?The metal braces will be placed in front.

The disadvantage of this type is that its appearance is not aesthetic, and some may consider it to distort the appearance of the smile, which makes them look for other types that do not look strange in the smile.

Ceramic braces

One of the most important features that distinguishes this type from the previous type is that it is very close to the color of natural teeth; therefore, it does not distort the appearance of the smile to the extent concerned.

This is reflected in the cost; you will find that the cost of this brace is clearly higher than the cost of metal braces.

Also, the amount of care required here is higher than that required with metal braces, so that the color of the porcelain does not change over time and become different from the natural color of the teeth.

Clear braces


One of the best benefits of this type is its high transparency, which makes it invisible when smiling, and it can be considered the best type of braces from an aesthetic point of view.

The beauty of this type is reflected in some other disadvantages; its cost is very high, and it may need to be changed every 14 days.

One of its most important drawbacks is that it is not suitable in all cases; rather, it has specific cases in which it is used.

In addition to all of the above, another drawback of clear braces is that they do not achieve the desired results within a short period of time; rather, they require a somewhat long time.

Internal calendar


This brace is similar to clear braces in many ways; it is very expensive and takes a bit longer to achieve the desired results.

Internal braces are similar to clear braces in that they are both aesthetic types; internal braces are installed on the inner surfaces of the teeth, i.e. on the tongue side, which means that they are not visible in the smile.

One of the unique disadvantages of this brace is that it is very difficult to clean, as it is difficult for the patient to reach all of its parts, which means it is difficult to clean all of its components completely.

Here we have finished our discussion about orthodontics as one of the best and most effective procedures in the field of dentistry. We have mentioned its most important uses, as well as the most popular types available at Smile Art Center