Difference between moving parts

There are many types of removable dental implants, and they differ in some characteristics. Each type has its advantages, disadvantages, and the cases in which it is used. In this article, we will talk about each type in some detail.

Types of removable dental implants in terms of material

There are many types of removable dentures, and they all share the ability to be installed and removed by the patient easily. Below we mention the most famous types that we offer at Smile Art Center according to more than one comparison.

When talking about the types of removable dental implants in terms of manufacturing materials, we find three types as follows:

Solid dentures (Acrylic)



These sets are characterized by their natural gum color, which makes them not significantly distort the appearance of the smile.

These sets can withstand forces and pressures to a certain degree; however, there are certain cases in which they cannot be used due to their inability to withstand the pressures placed on them in such cases.

One of the disadvantages of these dentures is that they do not conduct heat, which means that they contribute to isolating the gum tissue from what is around it, which may cause it to lose its natural blood circulation.

Flexible sets



What distinguishes these sets from rigid sets is that they are highly flexible, which means they can adapt to tight spaces that require expansion and contraction during entry and exit.

These sets have some disadvantages, of course, such as that their color changes easily over time and is difficult to adjust, and food can easily leak between them and the gums.

Metallic sets



These sets are made of cobalt chrome, which is very strong and hard, which makes them able to withstand great pressure, and acrylic is often incorporated into some parts.

Another important feature of these sets is that their material is a good conductor of heat, which exposes the gums to different temperatures all the time, which helps keep their blood circulation constantly active.

Types of removable dental implants according to the number of teeth

When talking about the types of removable dental implants in terms of the number of teeth they include, we find that there are two types: complete implants and partial implants.

Full sets



They are removable fixtures that are used when the patient’s mouth is completely devoid of all teeth.

Normally, a single-jaw denture is made to contain 14 teeth, 7 on each side; however, this number is not fixed; rather, it varies in some cases.

Partial dentures



These are the removable fixtures that are used when the mouth has some teeth, regardless of which ones are missing.

These sets are made of more than one material, and then small metal pieces that resemble clips are supplied from them. These pieces work to hold the existing teeth to rely on them for stability.

Of course, the number of teeth included in the set varies according to the number of existing teeth as well as the number of teeth that are suitable for replacement.

How long does it take to install dentures?

It is normal for these installations to take between 4 and 6 sessions from start to finish, depending on the condition of the patient’s mouth.

The duration of these sessions varies according to the patient’s condition, and the implant lab also plays a role in determining this duration. However, at Smile Art Center, we always strive to complete these implants as quickly as possible while maintaining high quality.

Does dentures have any side effects?

We can say that this type of combination, like many other things in this field, if it is not taken care of and the doctor’s instructions are not followed carefully, it may become harmful to the mouth in general.


Here we have finished our discussion of removable dental implants in some detail; we have mentioned the most important types of these implants from more than one aspect and what is specific to each type, and we have also answered some questions in this regard.